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Message From the Chairman 
It gives me an immense pleasure and a sense of accomplishment to observe that Azad Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission is launching its own web site for the efficacious functioning of the commission. It will provide easy and quick access to the prospective candidates for the Civil Services of Azad Jammu & Kashmir and also to the Public in general for providing information with regard to the activities of the commission.
As we all know, the Azad Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission is mainly tasked to conduct examinations and interviews to select “the best amongst the bests” for recruitment in the Civil Services of Azad Jammu & Kashmir; The wider publicity on the internet would attract a larger number of candidates thus enabling the commission to choose out of the enlarged population. Furthermore, the Website of its own would facilitate the commission to post on it the syllabus and model papers for different slots and outlines of contents for interviews. This, in turn, would lead to better preparation of candidates and removal of emergent misconceptions. Through website one can get complete information about the syllabi and procedure of the selection process.
The application forms and examination results posted at the Website will facilitate the quick flow of information to and from the Public Service Commission enhancing the efficiency and efficacy of the organization, apart from ensuring the transparency of its working. This newly constituted commission which is composed of Human Resource Development Experts, Educationists and Administrators have solemnly pledged in its very first meeting to adhere to the principle of merit and uphold justice, fair play and transparency in the selection process strictly. The launching of the Website is a leap forward to achieve this noble and pious objective. I pray to Allah to bless us with success in achieving these noble goals. Amin!

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